Engaging, educating and empowering communities to create a better future


Podium Discussion to open the Malaria Week in Berlin on the 18th April 2012

15. March 2012
Hope Foundation’s Malaria Free Cameroon project will open the Malaria Week Berlin on the 18th of April, 2012 with a podium discussion entitled “Coherence in the fight against Malaria:  recognizing challenges.”  
The podium discussion aims to raise awareness about malaria in Germany.  This education is critical because malaria is oftentimes overlooked or forgotten in countries where it is not a threat or has been eradicated.  Currently, malaria claims roughly 1 million lives per year.

Beyond awareness raising and education, the podium discussion serves to highlight some recent breakthroughs of on the front of the malaria fight, as well as to bring together various branches involved in malaria eradication, to mutually identify and address challenges.  Through heightened cross-sector communication, we hope to help fill gaps focus attention on the challenges that stand in the way of a Malaria Free Cameroon, and a malaria free world.
To these ends, we have invited the following experts to speak in the panel:

•    Dr. Christiane Haas (German Red Cross)
•    Prof. Dr. med. Frank Mockenhaupt (Institute for Tropical Medicine and International Health, Berlin)
•    Dr. Gerhard Hesse (Bayer Environmental Sciences)
•    Prof. Dr. Peter H. Seeberger (Max-Planck-Institute of Colloids and Interfaces, Department of Biomolecular Systems)
•    Moderation by:  Carolina Quesada (Funkhaus Europa)

We decided to open this special week with a podium discussion where we opted to invite various actors working in the field of malaria to come and talk about their work and how various measures are being developed to see that malaria is eradicated. The discussion shall feature speakers from the field of research, prevention and education, and advocacy”  Gerald Bobga F,  Director of Hope Foundation.

We hope for a lively and productive discussion!  After the podium discussion, food and drink will be offered to encourage further exchange and networking.
Hope Foundation and the podium invite you to come and listen, learn, ask questions, and become involved in malaria eradication!

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