Andreas K (Austria) teaches German and Sensitises on HIV-AIDS to Youths (August 2008)

Andreas Karner from Austria was this time around the volunteer to be hosted by Hope Foundation.
He is a young man who has been involved in numerous social projects back in Austria and work as an educator while persuing his studies.
Andreas spent 6 weeks in Cameroon during which he was involved in two important projects. He taught German to francophone students in Douala during the first three weeks and for the last weeks of he stay he was involved in th organisation and implementation of the "HIV-AIDS Sensitisation Programme using Football", a holiday project to educate and sensitise youths on HIV-AIDS which took place in Limbe, a seaside resort town. His dynamism and flexibility brought much to the organisation and to the general community as a whole where we
learnt much from him a together we could work on these projects without any complications.

Some of him time was as well involved in social visits where he visited an orphanage an Limbe and as well as assisted us in some office tasks such as the preparation of some project proposals.
Andreas promised coming back again pretty soon and he now doing some facilitation work for us from Austria.
Andreas made a donation of 3000 condoms and sensitisation material such as brochures collected from a number of sponsors in Europe. These donated material were used during the HIV-AIDS project.