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Stefan Brunner (Austria): Water Project / Waste Management (17.7 – 16.8.2010)

Stefan Brunner is studying Environmental System Science at the Karl Franzens University in Graz, Austria. He spent nearly one month in Cameroon during which he was working in the Romkong water project of Kikaikelaki and with the Kumbo Council Waste Collection Team. Stefan arrived in Douala on the 17th of July and spent some days in Douala to get to know the city. Then he left to his host family in Kumbo. After a long journey on bad roads, he finally reached his host family which welcomed him very heartily. The family also supported him to arrange the participation in the two projects.

He worked for three days with the Garbage Collection Team of the Kumbo Council. He participated in the whole Process from shoveling to waste disposal. The waste is collected with trucks and is deposited on the hill.

For two days he visited the Romkong Water Project in Kikaikelaki. On the first day he got introduced to the project by the president of this project. On the second day he worked together with the community to build up the second catchment basin. There were up to 68 people working together with Stefan to get on with the project and get water for the village.

Besides the two projects he joined the Volunteers of the NAVTI Foundation to organize a talent show on the topics of HIV and Human Rights. The performances were divided into the categories drama, music and arts.

He also enjoyed the village life a lot and was integrated in the community life very soon. With the help of the family and friends he was able to participate in community meetings and War Lords meetings (with a lot of Palm Wine) or seeing the traditional TUTU ceremony.

The last days was used for some sightseeing and visited Kribi and Yaounde. After nearly one month he left Cameroon on the 16th of August with a lot of interesting experiences. He came to Cameroon originally to help the community and get to know the culture of Cameroon. At the end he gained a lot of experience in the field of his studies and knows a lot of the Cameroonian culture. Moreover he wants to use his impressions to work on the Topic of Waste Management in his Master Thesis.